Subway Facebook page
Subway is an international fast-food sandwich restaurant, known for their “subs” and positioning themselves as a healthier alternative to other fast food.
The Subway Facebook page has over 25,000 likes, which makes it a fairly big fan page. This large number may also explain why there are no current premiums for their fans over the last 30 days. Meaning that the social media team at Subway might be content with their current number of likers. I do think that right now is a good time of the year to push promotions and premiums due to the many holidays of the season, so in a way they might be missing a good opportunity to reach new fans. Currently the page is updated once daily, something that I would rate as a minimum for such a big page. Their updates mostly involve pictures of food and encouraging their fans to share, like and answer questions like: “how do you like your sub”. I do think that there is a lack of promotions and premiums to keep the interest of their fans. Even though every post does get a few comments. Most of the comments have a negative tone; requesting more meat on the subs or commenting on how they real life product looks nothing like the posted photo etc. Moreover, the social media team is not meeting the negative comments. This kills the possibility of making their Facebook page an interpersonal communication platform with the company, which is a shame. If they team at subway lacks the resources to answer the comments of their fans they might want to reconsider giving the fans the opportunity to comment on content and simply keep it a 100% mass media channel. They main type of participation is by encouraging the fans to share their experience with hashtags like #GetYourOwn and #ImAboutToEatThis. Clicking on the hashtags over 90% of the content is provided by Subway, which could mean that a hashtag is not enough of an incentive to keep the fans active. There was one sweepstake on 23 October with the chance of winning a Illustrated Movie Companion Books from the Hunger Games, which was fairly popular with the fans with over 2000 likes.
In summary, I think that there is a lot more that could be done with the Subway Facebook page. As I mentioned earlier Subway is not taking full advantage of the opportunity to communicate with their fans. Joining in on the many other companies who find it confusing on how to take advantage of the mix of interpersonal and mass communications that social media provide. This is a great season for encouraging participation, especially for a food company, considering the many foods and crafts of this season, which would really fit Subways profile. They are good at keeping a steady flow of content and some of their images are creative which means that there is hope of improvement for this page.
Sarah Zou
Chipotle Mexican Grill is a fast food chain that focuses on “food with integrity”. They emphasize using sustainably and naturally raised ingredients that respect the animals, land, and farmers. Their Facebook page is doing an effective job of social media marketing because it understands the interactive nature of social media.
most recent post and cover photo are both advertisements for their upcoming
Halloween promotion: #boorito. On Halloween, consumers are now aware that
anyone can come in and buy a meal for half the price and that all proceeds will
be donated. Not only does Chipotle understand the trends of Facebook (the
hashtag), but also premiums that reward participation similar to this are consistent
throughout the page.
have a consistent content flow (about 1.5 times a week) of broadcasting new
products, events they will be attending, information about their ingredients’
sources, and Chipotle games and volunteering opportunities. Not only are they
using Facebook as a means of publicity and impression management, but also to include
the community in partaking in activities and aligning with their mission
statement. While they generally lack in user-generated content, they still have
many images of real customers at sponsored events.
all posts on the Facebook are signed off by “Joe” or “Myra.” This makes posts
seem more personable, thereby giving the company’s site a human attribute and making
this marketing strategy more interpersonal. Also, its Facebook page/wall acts
as its customer service “portal.” Chipotle does a great job at creating a
dialogue with the customer by answering appropriately and promptly. Generally people
have positive things to say, but when someone has criticism, “Joe” or “Myra”
takes a very apologetic and helpful stance.
Chipotle does a good job of advertising promotions, creating participatory
events, and sharing relative current events at regular intervals.
Nikola Radnovic
For this assignment I chose Burger King and their website Overall,
the site looks appealing to the eye and the main colors that are used are those for
the Burger King logo: orange, red, blue and white. At this moment, they are
advertising their newest item on the menu: the Satisfries and they are emphasizing
how many less calories and fat it has than French fries from their main competitor,
McDonald’s. The website is doing its purpose and effectively marketing a new
product, while also offering the option of checking out the menu and pictures and
nutrition information about every item on it.
The website also has a “Fresh offers” tab, which shows the users certain
discounts and attracts them to go and visit the closest Burger King to check it all out.
Furthermore, if the user clicks on Satisfries banner, it will take them to the page
where User generated content is shown from Instagram. Everyone who used
hashtag #Satisfires got their picture shown there, and this is another way Burger
King works on promoting their brand on social media. The content flow of the
website is really good, since it is very well designed and provides new content on a
regular basis. Also, a dialogue environment that they offer is on the front page
where users can type in the reason why they came to the website. Burger King is a
well-known brand name and a highly profitable company so it is no wonder that
their website is organized in a high manner and provides all the necessary
information for their users.
For this assignment I chose Burger King and their website Overall,
the site looks appealing to the eye and the main colors that are used are those for
the Burger King logo: orange, red, blue and white. At this moment, they are
advertising their newest item on the menu: the Satisfries and they are emphasizing
how many less calories and fat it has than French fries from their main competitor,
McDonald’s. The website is doing its purpose and effectively marketing a new
product, while also offering the option of checking out the menu and pictures and
nutrition information about every item on it.
The website also has a “Fresh offers” tab, which shows the users certain
discounts and attracts them to go and visit the closest Burger King to check it all out.
Furthermore, if the user clicks on Satisfries banner, it will take them to the page
where User generated content is shown from Instagram. Everyone who used
hashtag #Satisfires got their picture shown there, and this is another way Burger
King works on promoting their brand on social media. The content flow of the
website is really good, since it is very well designed and provides new content on a
regular basis. Also, a dialogue environment that they offer is on the front page
where users can type in the reason why they came to the website. Burger King is a
well-known brand name and a highly profitable company so it is no wonder that
their website is organized in a high manner and provides all the necessary
information for their users.
Crystal Chan
TOBI’s Facebook page is doing quite an effective job at social media marketing for their clothing for the following reasons: Firstly, in order to get the initial 50% off discount for your first purchase, you need to like their Facebook page. In doing so, they increase the popularity of the Facebook page which shows up on mutual friends newsfeeds, as well as gain access to posting advertisements on your newsfeed. Secondly, to get another chance to get 50% off a purchase, you can invite five friends on Facebook to join TOBI. Thirdly, their physical Facebook page advertises premiums of 30% off on all new merchandise. TOBI also promotes these posts, so they show up on newsfeeds of people who have liked their page. Fourthly, TOBI’s page is a customer service portal since they reply to their audience’s questions about their merchandise. For example, a customer asked what the name of a skirt was and a TOBI representative posted an answer back. Fifthly, TOBI allows for participation by posing questions for their audience to answer along with posts promoting their clothing. And lastly, TOBI has strong content flow since there is a new post every few hours, which keeps their page current on their audience’s newsfeed as well as interesting to look at.
The only thing that TOBI’s Facebook page lacks is user-generated content. For example they could ask for people to post pictures with their merchandise in order to increase their audience participation. While it is not necessary for TOBI to have user-generated content to promote their merchandise, user-generated content may be useful in getting their audience to care more about their company and products. Overall, TOBI does an effective job of social media marketing through their Facebook page since they promote themselves through getting their audience to like them and share their page, as well as promote their posts to be on their audience’s newsfeed. Additionally, TOBI’s Facebook page engages their audience with constant new posts and engaging conversation on their posts.
Emily Idell
Emily Idell
Old Spice uses its Facebook page to successfully market their products to their target demographic by posting images, videos, and statuses that would appeal to young men. Old Spice is known for their humorous commercials and advertising strategies, which is a brand image that they maintain on their online platforms. Their Facebook page contains photos, videos, and a downloads section. The Old Spice Facebook page is an effective social media marketing tactic because they have successfully maintained their brand image online while creating direct connections with their customers and providing users with more than just brand specific content.
Old Spice posts new content on their Facebook page once a day, whether it be a photo directly related to their product or not, new advertisements, videos, or even statuses that don’t seem to have any direct link to their product. Along with these posts, they create a dialogue with their consumers by not only creating an open forum where they can comment of new advertisements or products, but also commenting back and responding directly to consumers’ commentary, thus creating a conversation with their consumers and social media users furthering brand loyalty. They also allow for users to post their own photos and posts on their Facebook Page.
Fred Scarf
I decided to evaluate the Facebook page of Facebook. I think they do an effective job of social media marketing because they post content that shows the importance of Facebook.
Facebook does not give away premiums on the Facebook page; however, they do make fans aware of Facebook Live events, which are free. They showcase user generated narratives and anecdotes that shows how Facebook has effected people’s lives. For example, here is one of their posts: “Don't miss this powerful essay about a blind man and his running guide, brought together by Facebook. Today, they run the Boston Marathon side by side" (
Facebook has created a dialogue with its fans and tried to show the growth of Facebook and how it effects people’s lives. Another example is how Facebook haseffected the LGBT movement. Here is an example of this dialogue: “Approximately 70% of people on Facebook in the U.S. are connected to a friend who has expressly identified themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual on their timeline. #PrideConnectsUs” (
Facebook’s fan page creates a dialogue with its fans. It doesn’t give show the relevance of Facebook, but spotlights stories of those whose lives have benefited from Facebook.
Jennifer Lee
Kate Spade New York is a fashion designer brand that provides females with clothes, purses, accessories, shoes, and so on. Their Facebook website has over 912,000 likes with over 15,000 users who have talked about it. The initial image of this Facebook page is very girly with pink as the themed color for both its cover photo and profile picture. Compared to many Facebook pages I have visited, Kate Spade is very interactive with constant updates with fashion tips, sales, popular links, stylish photos, and featured goods. The liveliness of the website contributes to Kate Spade New York’s motto to be glittery, active, and energized.
They clearly care about customer service as their contact information as well as email address is one of the first things that many would see as it addressed at the top of the page. This care is consistent throughout the site as there is constant feedback between both Kate Spade and customers. This is very good for business as they are assisting and developing relationship between the brand and consumers, creating brand loyalty.
Furthermore, in each photo that is posted on the page is not just a typical, boring, and casual picture. Instead, each picture is filled with bright colors, glitters, bold, and fashionable font. Each photo is “artistic,” as it plays with color and is very appealing to the eye. This is to dazzle the customers into their products and it seems very effective, as Kate Spade is highly popular.
Overall, Kate Spade New York Facebook photo is well publicized through its creative font, photos, and colors that appeal successfully to its costumers. The consistent communication with its customer is also very effective in bringing customers in. The premiums, sales, and featured goods are also a good reminder every day of what the store offers. Thus, this company is very effective in using the Internet to promote their businesses.
Mimi Oloye
I chose to to evaluate Sally Hansens’ Facebook page and I believe that they are doing a rather good job of marketing through social media because they get consumers of their products participate on the page.
Their content flow is constant; they post everyday. If a new or current product is not presented, they will post a picture of their products being used or tutorials on how to use the various products in their line. They sell a lot of nail polish, so most of the content is nail art based. They do not offer premiums directly, like if a someone where to like the page they would not receive anything. However, they do have use user participation to offer premiums. As I looked on their page I noticed that they have contests, which result in a prize for the winner. The contests hosted on the page bring free marketing because Facebook users post an image of the product they used to their timelines and other social media websites. Users also post pictures and tutorials of their nail art as well. Although there is not a gallery showcasing user’s nail art, it is easily visible on the timeline. Sally Hansens’ does offer a little customer service with their users but it is rare. Mostly Facebook users are the ones reaching out to them and on some instances they do provide some dialogue between them and consumers if a question is asked but the response is usually a suggestion to try a product. I also scrolled back to toSeptember 30th and only saw five negative review, I also saw two mixed reviews and people asking for coupons. Although Sally Hansen’s marketing strategy is not perfect, they are doing a pretty well. They let users know what is new, how to use their products, have examples and also get users to post their own example a tutorials. On top of that, they get they also get users to market for them through contests, which is the best marketing scheme.
Mimi Oloye
I chose to to evaluate Sally Hansens’ Facebook page and I believe that they are doing a rather good job of marketing through social media because they get consumers of their products participate on the page.
Their content flow is constant; they post everyday. If a new or current product is not presented, they will post a picture of their products being used or tutorials on how to use the various products in their line. They sell a lot of nail polish, so most of the content is nail art based. They do not offer premiums directly, like if a someone where to like the page they would not receive anything. However, they do have use user participation to offer premiums. As I looked on their page I noticed that they have contests, which result in a prize for the winner. The contests hosted on the page bring free marketing because Facebook users post an image of the product they used to their timelines and other social media websites. Users also post pictures and tutorials of their nail art as well. Although there is not a gallery showcasing user’s nail art, it is easily visible on the timeline. Sally Hansens’ does offer a little customer service with their users but it is rare. Mostly Facebook users are the ones reaching out to them and on some instances they do provide some dialogue between them and consumers if a question is asked but the response is usually a suggestion to try a product. I also scrolled back to toSeptember 30th and only saw five negative review, I also saw two mixed reviews and people asking for coupons. Although Sally Hansen’s marketing strategy is not perfect, they are doing a pretty well. They let users know what is new, how to use their products, have examples and also get users to post their own example a tutorials. On top of that, they get they also get users to market for them through contests, which is the best marketing scheme.